Link Analyzer

Enter a URL

About Link Analyzer

If you want to analyze the links on your website then you have got the perfect tool at hand. Our link analyzer tool will assist you in analyzing your overall link profiles in comparison with that of your competitors. In addition to this, it will assist you also in generating great link sources that you can use. Most of the popular search engines contemplate using the links as a sign of trustworth9iness for a particular website. That is why our free link analysis tool holds great significance.

What is the use of the Link Analyzer tool?

Therefore when you are performing a website auditing then this is a tool that can be very handy. This will assist you in determining the measure of how many the links a particular webpage can have. Having outbound links can damage the reputation of your [age therefore this tool will show you the outbound links. The Outbound links will damage your page if they do not have an attribute to the anchor tags. That said, this is a very important tool for checking the total anchor links that are present on your web page.

How to you this Link Analyser Tool,

Our link analyzer tool is a free online tool that is very straightforward and very easy to use. All you have to do it to enter the URL in the input field then press enter. This will request the system and tool will instantly visit your live URL in real-time and will gather the necessary data from its HTML Source code. Our tool can also analyze the links for the whole entered web pages. The output will show the following;

  • The Total Anchor Links on the page

  • The internal links of the [age

  • External Links of the web page.