Word Counter

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Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

Come and get an improved version of the word choice and grammatical errors. This is one of the tools that will assist you a lot thanks to its functionality. This is because it does not only offer word count services but also offers detection of plagiarism and grammatical errors. The Word Count tool is one of the easiest tools that one can use online. It the a free online tool that can assist you especially when you are operating with any device. All you have to do is just to have a strong internet connection.

The Word Counter tool is very important when it comes to SEO writing. This is because it will show you up to 10 Keywords and the Keyword Density of your article. Therefore you can get keywords and their percentages. This will also prevent you from using a certain word or a combination of words. In addition to that, it will also assist you in determining the distribution of the keywords. In conclusion, we also can note that if you are running a WordPress website then this is the best that you can consider. The tool is very important when it comes to improving the Flesch Reading Score of your website.